拼音:yáng yáng 英文解釋:
complacently; copious; numerous
(1) ∶形容眾多或豐盛洋洋萬言(2) ∶盛大河水洋洋(3) ∶廣遠無涯牧野洋洋... >>
查看“洋洋”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 我被他那懶洋洋的動作激怒了。
I was angry with his languid movements.
- 自鳴得意的處於自負的得意洋洋或狂喜狀態的
Being in a state of boastful elation or exultation
- 喜氣洋洋的微笑;令人高興的五月早晨。
a beaming smile; a glad May morning
- 他自命不凡,洋洋自得。
He was blown up with his own conceit.
- 我感到懶洋洋的,整天閒在沙灘上。
I felt so lazy just lying around on the beach all day
- 鮑伯不想幹活,懶洋洋地倚在鐵鏟上
Bob, who has no intention of work, leans lazily on his spade