字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>佯的英文翻譯 “佯”的日文翻譯



feign; pretend


佯 yáng 假裝:佯裝。佯作。佯狂。佯稱。佯攻。佯言(說假話)。佯死。 筆...


  1. 進行欺騙;
    To carry on a deception; dissemble
  2. 稱頭痛,因此將不必前往。
    She pretended a headache so she would not have to go .
  3. 但這也不意味著大西洋聯盟是裝合作。
    But that does not mean transatlantic co-operation is a sham
  4. 這場比賽變成了一場以攻與反攻為主的較量。
    The contest becomes mainly one of feint and counterfeint.
  5. 做…的假動作做攻動作蒙蔽或智勝(對方防守球員);(在比賽中)做假動作
    To deceive or outmaneuver(a defending opponent) by a feint; fake.
  6. 我沒有裝為學者。
    I do not pretend to be a scholar
  7. 假動作,攻動作欺騙對方球員的假動作
    A fake, intended to deceive a member of an opposing team.
  8. 這裡顯然存在著一條謬。
    Here we have an apparent paradox.
