拼音:yān cǎo shāng英文解釋:
1.tobaccoman 2.tobaccohnist中英例句:
- 菸草商人對提高稅率非常惱火。The tobacco merchants rose up in arms over the increase in taxes.
- 星期三,菸草商也罷工反對一部新的反吸菸法。On Wednesday the tobacconists went on strike against a new antismoking law.
- 大菸草商獲得了一個巨大的勝利。A big victory for Big Tobacco
- 這家商店獲準經銷菸草商品。This shop is licensed to sell tobacco.
- 星期三,菸草商也罷工反對一部新的反吸菸法。On Wednesday the tobacconists went on strike against a new antismoking law