- 社會階層主要的社會階層,例如貴族階層、平民階層、牧師階層,具有不尋常的政治權力
A major social class, such as the nobility, the commons, or the clergy, formerly possessing distinct political rights.
- 一位英文教師在用一種不同尋常的方法教作文。
A teacher of English had an unusual way to instruct composition.
- 不一般的不尋常的,不普通的,或不一般的
Not usual, common, or ordinary.
- 這家公司高層中年輕人占有不尋常的高比例。
The company has an unusually high proportion of young people at the top.
- 儘量想想不同尋常的、巧妙的解決方法。
Try to think of unusual and ingenious solutions.
- 異乎尋常的在對他別人的看法上寬宏大量。
unusually generous in his judgment of people.