字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>尋常的英文翻譯 “尋常”的日文翻譯


拼音:xún cháng


common; homeliness; ordinary; usual


普通,一般不尋常的來客岐王宅里尋常見。——唐&middo... >>查看“尋常”在國語詞典中的解釋




  1. 社會階層主要的社會階層,例如貴族階層、平民階層、牧師階層,具有不尋常的政治權力
    A major social class, such as the nobility, the commons, or the clergy, formerly possessing distinct political rights.
  2. 我見過有些女人的照片。她們使自己的身體呈流線型,看上去如此迷人,明擺著是唬人的。這層魔障一旦被打破,她們一走起來,就能看出她們也不過是些尋常女子。
    I had seen photographs of women that streamlined their shapes and made them look so alluring that you knew it was all a trick, that once the spell was broken, and they moved, you would see that they were just ordinary women.
  3. 狄弗帶來的恥辱即令醜聞滿天飛的里根政府也不尋常。他對偽證的判決幾乎未加辯護。他應嘗嘗鐵窗滋味,而非聯邦法官給他聊備一格的懲罰。
    Michael Deaver brought special shame even to Reagan Administration abloom with scandal. Convicted of perjury after offering almost no defense, he deserved a taste of prison, not the slap on the wrist he has received from a Federal judge.
  4. 矮人不尋常地矮小的個體
    An individual of unusually small size.
  5. 異乎尋常的在對他別人的看法上寬宏大量。
    unusually generous in his judgment of people.
  6. 具有不尋常的遠見能力的人。
    a person with unusual powers of foresight.
  7. 當今用手做東西,在許多國家已經成為很特殊--如此地特殊,以致贈送自製禮物有時被認為是不尋常的。
    a homemade gift is sometimes considered extraordinary
  8. 在公司里呆的時間超乎尋常地長;她長期以來一直是明星
    Had unusual longevity in the company; her longevity as a star
