fast; swift中文解釋:
迅 xùn 快:迅速。迅即。迅疾。迅捷。迅猛。迅雷不及掩耳。 筆畫數:6; ...>>查看“迅”在國語字典中的解釋
1.swift 2.fast相關對話:
- 他獲迅速提升在同事中引起很大的不滿。His rapid promotion caused much bad feeling among his colleagues.
- 隨著經濟迅速發展,中國在國際舞台上的地位變得愈來愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 他們在闢謠方面反應迅速。They've been very swift to deny these rumors.
- 他迅速的反應讓我們吃了一驚。His reaction of swiftness surprised us.
- 總統答應會迅速有效地懲罰恐怖分子。The president promised swift and effective retribution against the terrorists.
- 幼年是生長迅速的時期。Childhood is a period of rapid growth.
- 這種疾病的迅速蔓延使醫療當局感到憂慮不安。The rapid spread of the disease is alarming the medical authorities.