字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>酗酒的英文翻譯


拼音:xù jiǔ


insobriety; intemperance; excessive drinking; be on the drink; hit the bottle
keep to the bottle
【醫】 alcoholic intemperance


1.throwthelittlefinger  2.hitthebottle  3.keeptothebottle  4.liftthelittlefinger  5.turnupthelittlefinger  6.crookthelittlefinger  7.bibulosity  8.tipple  9.problemdrinking  10.excessivedrinking  11.crapulence  12.alcoholism  13.beonthedrink  14.insobriety  15.intemperance  16.drink  


  1. 年輕人的酗酒問題越來越嚴重。
    Drink is a growing problem among the young.
  2. 我們得聽一個關於酗酒害處的冗長報告!
    We had to listen to a peroration on the evils of drink!
  3. 酗酒越來越成問題了。
    His drinking is getting to be a problem.
  4. 他自妻子離去之後便開始酗酒
    He started tippling when his wife left him.
  5. 健康酗酒不能相容。
    Health does not consist with intemperance.
  6. 她死之後,他開始酗酒
    After she died he began to hit the bottle.
  7. 酗酒是他一生的禍根。
    Drink was the bane of his life.
  8. 他認為酗酒鬥毆就是男子氣概。
    He thinks it's macho to drink a lot and get into fights.


酗酒的意思 ∶無節制地喝酒酗酒成性 ∶也指撒酒瘋酗酒滋事詳細解釋嗜酒無度;醉酒鬧事。《書·無逸》“無若 殷王 受 之迷亂,酗於酒德哉” 孔 傳:“言 紂 心迷政亂,以酗酒為德,戒嗣王無如之。”《南史·張齊傳》
