拼音:xué xí英文解釋:
con; emulate; learn; learn about; learning; read; study【計】 learning
通過閱讀、聽講、研究、實踐等獲得知識或技能的過程學習一種語言學習數學 >>查看“學習”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.learning 2.learned 3.learn 4.learnabout 5.read 6.study 7.learnfrom 8.learntfrom 9.school相關對話:
- 他很有天分,但對選擇的工作該怎樣處理,他仍得好好學習。He has natural ability, but has yet to learn the mechanics of his chosen work.
- 使學生學習是教師的責任。It's a teacher's business to make student learn.
- 教師在學習中的關鍵作用是不該忽視的。The key role of the teacher in the learning process should not be neglected.
- 學習代數很容易。It's easy to learn algebra.
- 他不辭勞苦地學習英文。He spares no pains to study English.
- 我喜歡在圖書館學習。I like to study in the library.
- 學習英文和德文等現代語言比學習拉丁語更為有用。It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin.