- 學童零零落落地走在鄉間小路上。
The school children straggled along the country lane.
- 父親把家弄得令我心情很不愉快,所以學童們所稱的“倒霉的星期一”倒成了我一年當中最快樂的日子。
My father made home so disagreeable to me that what was called by schoolboys Black Monday was to me the whitest in the whole year.
- 歲數較大的學童受到優待。
Older pupils enjoy special privileges.
- 我不得不緊急剎車,以免撞倒兩名學童。
I had to put on the brakes sharply to avoid hitting two school children.
- 接學童回家的地點是在餐廳。
Student pick-up shall be done in the cafeteria.
- 約有9%學童選擇入讀私立國小。
About 9 per cent of children attend private primary schools by choice.
- 老師提出的要求對這些頑皮的學童不起任何作用。
The teacher’s demand cut no ice with these naughty boys.
- 他一生從來沒有讀過一本書,……寫的字還像學童的手筆。
He never read a book in his life and …still writes a schoolboy hand