- 吉姆的學業有進步嗎?
How is Jim getting on at school?
- 老師幫助他上完了中學,但他無法完成大學的學業。
The teacher helped him through high school, but he couldn't cut the buck in college.
- 愛因斯坦在蘇黎世大學繼續他的學業。
In 1902,Einstein continued his studies at the University of Zurich.
- 葛瑞絲:嗯,不過我現在真的非得拉高學業平均成績不可。
Grace:Yeah, but now I really need to pull up my GPA.
- 他面臨著兩種選擇:繼續他的學業還是找一份工作。
He is faced with two alternatives: continuing his studies or finding a job
- 他在學業上一定會成功。
He is bound to succeed in his study.
- 我放棄了在迪尼希爾高中的學業,從西雅圖的家裡跑了出來。
I quit my Denny Hill High school and ran away from my Seattle home.