拼音:xué shù jiè英文解釋:
academic circle【法】 academic world
學術或學院式的生活;學術或學院式的環境 >>查看“學術界”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.academicworld 2.academicinterest 3.academe 4.academiccommunity漢語造句:
- 華森教授將要離開學術界到工業界去工作。Professor Watson will leave the academic world to take a job in industry.
- 學術界人士有學術觀點或學術背景的人A person who has an academic viewpoint or a scholarly background.
- 他們的著作在學術界有巨大的影響力。Their writings took powerful hold of academic circles.
- 這種非常現象應引起政府監管部門與學術界的關注。The government and academia should pay attention to this unusual fact.
- 華森教授將要離開學術界到工業界去工作Professor Watson is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry
- 有關這些史跡的考證,學術界仍是眾說紛紜,莫衷一是。The interpretation of these events is still a matter of academic discussion