拼音:xué shù shàng英文解釋:
- 他在學術上涉獵廣泛。He played the field academically.
- 處理這個問題需要學術上的嚴謹。There is a need for academic rigour in approaching this problem
- 在學術上他是個巨人,但在日常生活中卻是個矮子。He is a giant academically but a dwarf in everyday matter
- 在物質上對學術上有成就的學生的援助。financial aid provided to a student on the basis of academic merit
- 在物質上對學術上有成就的學生的援助。financial aid provided to a student on the basis of academic merit.
- 在學術上有不朽成就A translation that is a monument of scholarship