字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>削的英文翻譯 “削”的日文翻譯



chip; cut; pare; shaving; skive


削 xiāo 用刀切去或割去:削皮。削髮(f?)。刮削。削足適履(把腳削去一塊...


  1. 政府計畫減對依附國的經濟援助。
    The government is going to cut back on economic aid to client states.
  2. 砍伐將(木料)截成未刨的木段
    To cut(timber) into unhewn sections.
  3. 我們真的需要減我們的開支。
    We really need to cut back on our spending.
  4. 以機器製作用機器來切、成形或完成
    To cut, shape, or finish by machine.
  5. 草皮擊高爾夫球時球桿起的一塊草皮
    A piece of turf torn up by a golf club in striking a ball
  6. CR5116D型立式車柔性加工單元主要結構特點
    Main structural features of CR5116D vertical turning EMC
  7. 我們應該減各種開支。
    We should step down all kinds d spending.
  8. 成凸圓形的藍寶石
    A sapphire that was cut cabochon
