拼音:xuān xiāo 英文解釋:
din; hullabaloo; hurly; hurly-burly; row-de-dow; turbulence; uproar
(1) ∶聲音雜亂,不清靜我屏息靜氣,努力在喧囂的塵世之中尋覓一種純淨、和諧之音... >>
查看“喧囂”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
music 2.
rowdedow 3.
outcry 4.
turbulency 5.
tumult 6.
rumpus 7.
turbulence(-cy) 8.
boisterousment 9.
Pandemonium 中英例句:
- 大聲吵鬧,喧囂
Noisy shouting or uproar.
- 他們駛出了市中心,但車來人往的喧囂聲仍在耳中迴響。
They drove away from the city centre, the roar of the traffic still dinning in their ears.
- 他們喜歡住在鄉村,遠離人群和喧囂。
They like to live in the countryside, far way from crowd and hullabaloo.
- “站起一個喧囂的激進分子”(沃爾特·白澤特)。
“Up rose a blatant Radical” (Walter Bagehot).
- 午餐時間逐漸臨近,喧囂之中慢慢出現片刻暫息。
When the luncheon hour drew near there came a slight lull in the uproar
- 從大廳傳來了一陣喧囂聲。
A bBabel of voices came from the hall
- 喧囂的車馬聲
the noise of dense traffic