拼音:xuān chēng英文翻譯
allege; declare; profess【法】 assert; assertion; pronounce; pronouncing a judgement
1.allege 2.declare 3.professionof例句:
- 我曾經犯過不少錯誤,但從未犯過宣稱自己未犯過錯誤的錯誤。I have made mistakes, but I have never made the mistake of claiming that I never made one.
- 矛盾,不相符不符合或不一致,如在事實和宣稱之間;差異Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference.
- 他們是這樣宣稱的,但他們有證據嗎?So they alleged, but have they any proof?
- 他宣稱蔑視錢財。He claims to despise riches.