拼音:xǐ xùn英文解釋:
good news中文解釋:
令人高興的訊息 >>查看“喜訊”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 喜訊傳來,他心情很好。The good news put him in fine fettle.
- 喜訊傳來,人們頓時歡呼起來。People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.
- 喜訊傳遍了祖國的每個角落。The good news spread to every corner of the country.
- 喜訊傳來, 歡聲雷動。The glad tidings gave rise to thunderous cheers.
- 如果你得到一個喜訊,這不是偶然的。If you get good news, it is no accident.
- 喜訊傳來, 人人高興。The happy news was a satisfaction to us all
- 我從收音機里聽到這則喜訊。I heard the happy news on the radio.