拼音:xǐ yuè 英文解釋:
gladden; gladness; gratification; heyday; joyance; oho
歡樂;快活 >>
查看“喜悅”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
joyance 2.
joy(oneofthesevenmodesofemotion) 3.
heyday 4.
oho 5.
gladness 6.
delighted 7.
gratification 8.
blissfulness 9.
glee 10.
delight 11.
rejoice(over) 12.
gladden 相關對話:
- 她說她很難過,但從她的眼神里卻流露出她內心的喜悅。
She said she was sorry, but her eyes betrayed her secret delight.
- 愛情、?em>蒼謾⒃骱蕖⒖志濉⒓刀識際喬苛業母星欏?
Love, joy, hate, fear and jealousy are all emotions.
- 她因喜悅而目光炯炯。
Her eyes lit up with joy.
- 喜悅和驚異交織在一起。
Joy mingled with surprises.
- 他用他的表演使觀眾喜悅。
He delighted the audience with his performance.
- 我可以從她的眼睛裡看出她的喜悅。
I can see her gladness in her eyes.
- 她無比喜悅。
Her joy was beyond measure.