字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>兇猛的的英文翻譯


拼音:xiōng měng de


ferocious; fierce; severe; violent; feral; lupine
【醫】 feral; ferox


  1. 一隻兇猛的餓貓,看到老鼠,為何卻撥腿就跑?
    When a feral cat see a mouse,the cat runs awayWhy
  2. 一場兇猛的進攻
    a ferocious attack
  3. 在城堡的進門處, 守著兩個兇猛的怪物。
    Two fierce griffins guarded the entrance to the castle.
  4. 貪婪的兇猛的或強取的
    Fierce or rapacious.
  5. 虎是一種兇猛的動物。
    The tiger is a fierce animal
  6. 他讓這隻兇猛的狗嚇怕了。
    He was frightened of the fierce dog.
  7. 痛擊強烈的兇猛的一擊
    A hard or severe blow
  8. 他們準備和最兇猛的黑豹或一群大灰狼拚鬥。
    They were prepared to fight the fiercest panther or a pack of lobo.
