fierce; murder; ominous; terrible中文解釋:
凶 xiōng 不幸的,不吉祥的:吉凶。凶信。 莊稼收成不好:凶年飢歲。 惡:...>>查看“凶”在國語字典中的解釋
- 我們利用聲模認出了凶手。We have succeeded in identifying the murderer by using a voiceprint
- 該凶犯被判無期徒刑。The murderer received a life sentence
- 雙方都很凶猛地進行打鬥。fight or wrestle in a vigorous way
- 事情湊在一起,使得火勢更加凶猛。Everything concurred to greaten fire.
- 如果囚犯受虐待, 他就可能發展到行凶。If a prisoner is badly treated, he may descend to violence
- 想行凶的有暴力襲擊意向或暴力襲擊動機的Inclined to or suggestive of violent attack.
- 他殺死凶手,報了殺母之仇。He avenged his mother’s death on the murderer.
- 凶器a mortal weapon