拼音:xìng yùn 英文解釋:
luck; good fortune; good luck; felicity; prosperity
(1) ∶好運氣(2) ∶意外的好機會取決於幸運勝於取決於技巧的一些遊戲被用來作... >>
查看“幸運”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
foreswear 2.
felicity 3.
mercy 4.
luckiness 5.
ladyluck 6.
prosperity 7.
strikelucky 8.
thrift 9.
bonanza 10.
speed 11.
bonnefortune 12.
forswear 13.
forswore 14.
agoodbreak 15.
auspiciousness 16.
Godspeed 例句:
- 如果幸運的話,她將得到那份工作。
With luck, she will get the job.
- 你這個幸運的傢伙!
You jammy so-and-so!
- 他是個幸運的傢伙。
He is a lucky dog.
- 你真幸運,經過那場車禍還能生還。
You are lucky to be alive after being in that accident.
- 這個女孩非常幸運,她的媽媽是她的知心朋友。
The girl was fortunate enough to have her mother as a bosom friend.
- 你有這樣一位通情達理的父親,真是幸運。
You are fortunate to have such a reasonable father.
- 他把他的成功歸功於幸運。
He ascribes his success to good luck.