拼音:xìng cún zhě英文解釋:
1.survivance 2.survival相關對話:
- 在那場爆炸中很難有倖存者。It is extremely doubtful that anyone survived the explosion.
- 災難中喪失親人的倖存者很值得同情。Survivors of the disaster who lost their relatives are much to be pitied.
- 救生船救起了全部倖存者。The lifeboat picked up all the survivors.
- 他是那次飛機失事唯一的倖存者。He is the only survivor of the plane crash.
- 撞船事故發生地區的所有船隻都參加了搜尋倖存者的工作。All the ships in the vicinity of the crash joined in the search for survivors.
- 這次撞車事故的唯一倖存者是一個小男孩。The sole survivor of the crash was a little boy.