拼音:xiè mù 英文解釋:
curtain call; respond to a curtain call中文解釋:
演出結束後,演員在台前向觀眾敬禮,表示謝意 >>
查看“謝幕”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
takeacall 2.
takethecurtain 相關對話:
- 觀眾要求這位演員出來謝幕。
The audience called for the actor.
- 樂隊指揮請獨奏者上前謝幕。
The conductor had the soloists take a curtain.
- 奧: 我想,(演員)謝幕起碼有四次。
I think there were at least four curtain calls.
- 人們鼓掌呼叫,使他們一再出場謝幕。
People clapped and shouted and made them come on again and again.
- 演員謝幕時不要坐著不鼓掌。
Do not just sit on your hand when actor make curtain call.
- 要求謝幕
a curtain call
- 史料記載克利奧帕特拉籌劃了一個光榮而絢爛的謝幕。
History records that Cleopatra staged a glorious exit