拼音:xǐ dí cáo英文解釋:
【化】 washing tank相關詞條:
1.rinsebath 2.washingvessel 3.washingtank 4.washchannel 5.launder例句:
- 那些髒盤子在洗滌槽內。The dirty dishes are in the sink.
- 有什麼東西塞住了洗滌槽。Something has plugged up the sink.
- 把盆里的髒水倒入洗滌槽里。Tip the dirty water out of the bowl and into the sink.
- 在洗滌槽旁邊,可置放洗過的盤碟等使之晾乾的木板。a board beside a kitchen sink and inclined to drain into the sink.
- 他打開洗滌槽上方的櫥櫃。He opened a cupboard above the sink
- 母親把髒水從桶里倒進洗滌槽中。Mother tipped the slops out of the bucket into the sink.