拼音:xǐ jié英文解釋:
loot; ransack; sack【法】 ransack; rape
把財物全部搶光士兵們洗劫了該鎮 >>查看“洗劫”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.makespoilof 2.rifle例句:
- 成群的士兵洗劫了村莊。Bands of soldiers ravaged the village.
- 房間已被徹底洗劫過,抽屜和櫥櫃裡的東西都亂七八糟地攤在地板上。The room had been thoroughly ransacked and the contents of drawers and cupboards lay in confusion on the floor.
- 警方昨天說,小偷把九十一歲內科醫生的診所洗劫一空。在罪犯橫行的哈萊姆區,診所已所剩無幾。Burglars ransacked the office of a91-year-old physician who is one of the last private doctors left in crime-ravaged Harlem, police said yesterday.
- 敵兵洗劫這座城市。Enemy soldiers ransacked the town.
- 盜賊洗劫了這所富麗堂皇的住宅。Burglars ransacked the stately home.