拼音:xià qù英文解釋:
continue; descend; down; go down; go on【電】 down
用在動詞後,表示繼續說下去 >>查看“下去”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.descend(ing) 2.down例句:
- 你在那不停的噪聲中怎麽能工作得下去呀?How can you continue to work/continue working with all that noise going on?
- 目前的情況不得再繼續下去了。The present state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on.
- 民眾高聲喊叫把演講人的聲音壓了下去。The crowd shouted the speaker down.
- 你必須留心腳下才不會跌下去。You must watch your step so as not to fall down.
- 藥太苦了,吞不下去。The medicine is too bitter to get down.
- 他噗通一聲倒了下去。He fell down with a bump.
- 金屬盆子沿著石階滾了下去,發出咣啷聲。The metal basin clattered down the stone stairs.