字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>下丘的英文翻譯


拼音:xià qiū


【醫】 colliculus caudalis; colliculus inferior; meditullium profundum


  1. 白樺提取物對大鼠下丘腦組織中5-HT含量的影響
    Effect Betula Plaatyphylla suk(BPS) Extract on 5-HT Hypothalamus of Rats
  2. 血管緊張素Ⅱ對雄性大鼠下丘腦GGT活性的影響
    Effect of AngⅡ on hypothalamic GGT activity in male rats
  3. 大鼠下丘腦神經元突觸的老齡性改變及人參皂甙對其影響的研究
    Changes of Synapse in Hypothalamic Neurons in Aged Rat and the
  4. 營養狀況對櫻桃谷鴨下丘腦神經肽Y的影響
    Effect of Nutrition on Hypothalamus Neuropeptide Y of Cherry Valley Duck
  5. 包含有丘腦和下丘
    to contain the thalamus and hypothalamus
  6. 過熱對大鼠下丘腦腎上腺素α_2受體的影響
    Effects of hyperthermia on α_2-adrenergic receptor in hypothalamus of rat
  7. 老年大鼠下丘腦β-內啡肽神經元的變化
    Changes of Beta-Endorphin (β-EP) Neurons in Hypothalamus of the Aged Rats
  8. 不同周齡大鼠下丘GluR2/3的分布
    GluR2/3 expression in inferior colliculus of different aged SD rats
