拼音:xià shì 英文解釋:
(1) ∶低於中士而高於一等兵的軍士(2) ∶下士的官職或職位;下士軍銜 >>
查看“下士”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
PettyOfficerThirdClass 2.
PettyOfficerSecondClass 相關對話:
- 他由中士降到下士。
He was demoted from sergeant to corporal.
- 他因擅離職守而被降級(為下士)。
He was busted (to corporal) for being absent without leave.
- 下士美國海軍作四級準尉助手的小官
A U.S. Navy petty officer who is an assistant to a warrant officer.
- 他們把這個下士提升為中士。
They promoted the corporal to sergeant .
- 下士美國海軍作四級準尉助手的小官
A US Navy petty officer who is an assistant to a warrant officer
- 他連忙走去喚醒警?隊的下士。
He hurried to rouse the corporal of the guard.
- 下士對男孩的死感到很悲傷。
The corporal felt very sad over the death of the boy.