拼音:xiào zhú yán kāi 英文解釋:
beam with smiles中文解釋:
笑容滿面,喜形於色 宋江見了,喜從天降,笑逐顏開。——《... >>
查看“笑逐顏開”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 他聽見這個好訊息時,笑逐顏開。
His face lit up with joy when he heard the good news.
- 澳洲是這么可親,只要用鋤頭逗她發癢,她就會帶著收穫笑逐顏開了。
Australia is so kind that, just tickles her with a hoe, and she laughs with a harvest.
- 他手舞足蹈笑逐顏開地迎接我們。
He greeted us with an expansive gesture (eg he stretched his arms wide) and a wide smile.
- 她笑逐顏開。
Her face expanded in a smile
- 他聽見這個好訊息時,笑逐顏開。
His face lit up with joy when he heard the good news.
- 聽到投票結果後,學生們笑逐顏開。
The students were all smiles as they heard the results of the voting.
- 讓我看你笑逐顏開(露齒而笑),不要讓我看你愁眉苦臉。
Let me see you grin; do not let me see you frown.