拼音:xiǎo yáng英文解釋:
lamb; yeanling相關詞條:
1.eanling 2.lambling 3.lambkin 4.yeanling 5.hoggerel中英例句:
- 這隻小羊要用奶瓶餵養。The lamb had to be brought up by hand.
- 但願有草地與小羊。I wish there were meadows and lambs.
- 那兒有些在草地上跳來跳去的小羊。There are lambs frisking in the meadow.
- 小羊羔被放在圍欄里養著。The lambs were kept in the stockade.
- 她像小羊一樣的溫順。She is as meek as a lamb.
- 她像只小羊羔一樣溫柔。She is gentle like a lamb.
- 小羊羔在田野里跳躍嬉戲。The lambs were capering about in the fields.
- 小羊在田野里跳躍。Lambs skipped in the field.