拼音:xiǎo chí英文解釋:
【化】 cell相關詞條:
- 詹森教授在我們學校,就像是小池里的大魚,英雄無用武之地了。In our school, professor Johnson is a big fish in a small pond.
- 裝滿這個小池塘需要多少桶水?How many buckets of water will we need to fill this small pond?
- 他家的院子有個小池塘。There is a small pond in his yard
- 詹森教授在我們學校,就像是小池里的大魚,英雄無用武之地了。In our school, professor Johnson is a big fish in a small pond
- 貯水池由磨坊水壩形成的小池塘A pond formed by a milldam
- 一小池液體A small pool of a liquid.