拼音:xiǎo xīn yì yì 英文解釋:
本是虔誠,莊嚴的意思,現在用來形容舉動十分謹慎,絲毫不敢疏忽小心翼翼躡手躡腳地往... >>
查看“小心翼翼”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 他小心翼翼地往後探身終於拿到了櫥頂的那支筆。
He reached back carefully and got the pen on the very top of the cupboard.
- 我們不得不小心翼翼地下山,因為山坡很陡。
We had to go down with great care, as the hill was so steep.
- 耍蛇人小心翼翼地伸手去摸他筐子裡的那條蛇。
The snake charmer reached out gingerly to touch the snake in his basket.
- 偷偷地或小心翼翼地走
To move stealthily or cautiously.
- 小心翼翼地把鋼琴移放好
to ease a piano into place
- 他們小心翼翼, 不敢冒犯這位大人。
They were careful not to offend his nibs