拼音:xiǎo shuō 英文解釋:
fiction; novel; story; storybook
一種通過人物、情節和環境的具體描寫來反映現實生活的文學體裁。按篇幅可分為長篇小說... >>
查看“小說”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
storybook 2.
story 3.
cloak-and-dagger 4.
longueur 5.
longeur 6.
villain 例句:
- 他靠寫小說維生。
He earned his bread by writing novels.
- 她的小說描寫的是倫敦現代的生活。
Her novel depicts life in modern London.
- 她的第一部小說一問世,便使她一舉成名。
She won her overnight fame by her first novel.
- 這部小說已由俄文原著改編成無線電廣播節目。
This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.
- 他的現實主義小說遭到了一些人的批判。
His realistic novel was criticized by some people.
- 她認為看浪漫小說是虛度時光。
She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time.
- 這部小說看來是草草寫成的。
This novel appeared to have been huddled together.
- 我喜歡讀科幻小說。
I like to read science fiction.