拼音:xiào shè 英文解釋:
school building; schoolhouse中文解釋:
即“學舍”。學校的房子。古代的學校;尤指國小校舍紅色小校... >>
查看“校舍”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
schoolhouse 2.
schoolplant 3.
sh 4.
schoolhouse 5.
knowledge-box 中英例句:
- 花費很大的舊校舍的修復工程受到大多數老師的批評。
The costly renovation of the old college building was criticized by most teachers.
- 修建校舍的計畫是在增加教育經費的前提下擬定的。
The school building programme postulates an increase in educational investment.
- 校舍的屋頂上覆蓋著積雪。
The roof of the schoolhouse is covered with snow.
- 只有一個房間的校舍的改良式
A modern version of the one-room schoolhouse
- 已撥出一筆款項作為建築當地學校新校舍之用。
A sum has been appropriated for the new buildings in the local schools
- 校舍這樣一個學校或學院的建築或建築群
The building or buildings occupied by such a school or institution
- 學校每年的校舍維修費用預算為5000美元。
The school budgeted $5,000 a year for building repair
- 只有一個房間的校舍的改良式
A modern version of the one-room schoolhouse.