拼音:xiǎo kūn chóng英文解釋:
- 各種吸取植物汁液的小昆蟲。any of various small plant-sucking insects.
- 蕈蠅科的模式屬;真菌小昆蟲。type genus of the Sciaridae: fungus gnat.
- 以植物的汁液為食的顏色鮮艷的小昆蟲。small bright-colored insect that feeds on plant juices.
- 用篩子狀的物體做成的門,可以將小昆蟲等擋在外面。a door that is a screen to keep insects out of a building
- 善於跳躍、吸食植物汁液的小昆蟲。small leaping insect that sucks the juices of plants.
- 以穀類和草為食的黑白色小昆蟲。small black-and-white insect that feeds on cereal grasses.
- 用篩子狀的物體做成的門,可以將小昆蟲等擋在外面。a door that is a screen to keep insects out of a building.