- 表示兩個或者四個半音符構成一個小節的音樂拍子記號。
a musical time signature indicating two or four half notes to a measure
- 您會發現卡博太太是個拘泥小節的人。
You will find Mrs Carboy a stickler about trifles
- 節拍將音樂分成拍子和小節的分切
Division into measures or bars.
- 金先生受過很好的教育,但他是一個極其脫俗不拘小節的人。
Mr King was highly educated, but was a Bohemian down to his boots.
- 小節中非重音的拍子(特指小節的最後一拍)。
an unaccented beat (especially the last beat of a measure).
- 金先生受過很好的教育,但他是一個極其脫俗不拘小節的人。
Mr King was highly educated, but was a Bohemian down to his boots
- 每一小節的第一個音符要加強。
Put a stress on the first note in each bar
- 表示兩個或者四個半音符構成一個小節的音樂拍子記號。
a musical time signature indicating two or four half notes to a measure.