字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>閒著的英文翻譯 “閒著”的日文翻譯


拼音:xián zhuó


at a loose end; be at grass


  1. 那天晚上他閒著沒事,就去看電影了。
    Feeling at a loose end that evening, he went to a movie.
  2. 我今天閒著
    I am free today.
  3. 我祖父從來不肯閒著
    My grandfather will never rest idle.
  4. 其目的不僅是為了使每個人不致閒著
    The aim is not just to keep busy.
  5. 今天下午辦公室里無事, 所以大家都閒著
    There was no work in the office this afternoon so everyone idled around.
  6. “怎么樣,我們就這樣閒著兩隻手一直站到天黑嗎?”
    “Well, are we going to stand like this till evening with our arms folded?
  7. 我暑假裡空閒著
    I was unoccupied during the summer vacation.
