字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>下地的英文翻譯 “下地”的日文翻譯


拼音:xià dì


go to the fields; leave a sickbed


(1) ∶猶下土,天下(2) ∶瘠地;下等的土地(3) ∶孩子出生趕我到了家時,... >>查看“下地”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 病人十天以後才允許起來(準予離床下地)。
    The patient was allowed up (ie permitted to get out of bed) after 10 days.
  2. 有一隻蝴蝶正在花叢里忽上忽下地飛著。
    A butterfly is flying up and down among the flowers.
  3. 牧師說,他們將因罪惡而下地獄。
    The priest said they would go to hell for their sins.
  4. 在他的庭院裡,有一片凹下地面的玫瑰花園。
    There is a concave rose garden of ground down inside his courtyard.
  5. 天一亮她便下地去了。
    She went to the fields as soon as it was light.
  6. 那隻鳥上下地拍動翅膀。
    The bird fluttered its wings up and down.
  7. 若有蚊子咬汝之一只手,則更予以另一隻手——手掌朝下地
    If a mosquito bites thee on one hand, give him the other - palm downward.
  8. 一隻貓正在上上下下地爬樹。
    A cat is running up and down the tree.
