拼音:xià zhù 英文解釋:
chip in
向下流瀉。 晉 潘尼 《苦雨賦》:“雨紛射而下注兮,潦波涌而橫流。”《南史·... >>
查看“下注”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
bottompouring 2.
indirectpouring 3.
toputapoton 4.
toputastakeon 5.
topourfromthebottom 相關對話:
- 有人下注下在最後勝出的這匹馬上了嗎?
Did anyone back the winner?
- 如果我是你,我就兩面下注,以防損失,同時申請兩份工作。
If I were you I'd hedge my bets and apply for both jobs at the same time.
- 賭馬經紀人提出3比1的賠率,但無人下注。
The bookies were offering odds of 3 to 1, but there were no takers.
- B組:皮下注射10%SnCl_2100μl/100g,24小時後切除右腎,不夾閉左側腎蒂,再經過24小時切除左腎做各項檢測。
In group B, SnCb was injected (100 # l/100g i.H.)
- 下注我們隊肯定能贏
Our team is a sure bet to win.
- 皮下注射器一次皮下注射,皮下注射器,或皮下注射的針
A hypodermic injection, syringe, or needle.
- 在一個未定的結果上下注或賭一定數額的財產。
stake money on the outcome of an issue.
- 此馬必贏,我願傾囊下注。
This horse will win. I would bet my bottom dollar on it.