拼音:wú wēi bù zhì 英文解釋:
無論如何細微,都能周全照應。極言細微之至看了長姐兒這節事,才知聖人的關懷無微不至... >>
查看“無微不至”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 現在大多數國家的兒童受到無微不至的關懷。
The children have the best of care in most of the countries now.
- 由於這位母親為兒子照顧得無微不至,把他弄得沒什麼出息了。
The mother took so much care of her son, that she has make him be good for nothing.
- 從您蒞臨的那一刻起,就會感覺到無微不至的人性化服務。
You can enjoy a very meticulous care and thoughtful Individual service
- 從前,日本太太被認為應該無微不至地照顧丈夫。
A Japanese wife was formerly expected to wait on her husband hand and foot
- 無微不至地照料嬰兒
Fed the baby on demand.
- 無微不至地照顧
Administering to their every whim.
- 她幫助我們無微不至。
She helped us in every possible way.