拼音:wú shì 英文解釋:
defy; disregard; ignore; in defiance of中文解釋:
不放在眼裡;根本不考慮這位編輯不能無視這個問題 >>
查看“無視”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
indisregardof 相關對話:
- 亂獵者無視狩獵規則為肉食任意捕殺鳥獸者
One who hunts game for food, ignoring the rules of sport.
- 然而,里德太太是個憂鬱、嚴厲的女人,她無視這一請求,簡寄其籬下痛苦度日達十年之久。
But Mrs. Reed, a somber and severe woman, ignores this request for the ten miserable years that Jane spends under her roof.
- 他無視醫生的勸告。
He disregarded his doctor's advice.
- 在這場爭紛中,不能無視這樣的事實,有兩幫工人都試圖使對方失業。
In the dispute, the fact can't be blinked that here are two lots of workers trying to do each other out of a job.