拼音:wěi wǎn英文解釋:
言詞、聲音等婉轉曲折委婉的語氣 >>查看“委婉”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 荷蘭語裡沒有老人即“黃金歲月人”的委婉說法。There are no euphemisms in Dutch for being old-for "golden ager".
- 委婉地說用委婉語表達或提及,婉轉表示To speak of or refer to by means of a euphemism
- 委婉地把壞訊息告訴(某人)Break the news to sb.
- 我給了他一委婉的暗示, 但他沒有領會。I gave him a gentle hint and he didn't get it.
- 他委婉地把那傷心的訊息告訴他妻子。He gently broke the sad news to his wife.
- 誇張的文體本身就是委婉中的一種。The inflated style itself is a kind of euphemism.
- 試論蒙漢委婉語的文化內涵On the Cultural Connotations in Mongolian and Chinese Enphemisms
- 委婉的說法a euphemistic way of speaking