拼音:wéi fǎ zhě英文解釋:
【法】 delinquent; law-breaker; misfeasor; transgressor; violaor of the law相關詞條:
1.lawbreaker 2.transgressor例句:
- 違法者必受懲罰。You cannot break the law with impunity.
- 該法律對違法者處罰很嚴厲。The law is tough on offenders.
- 如果你們的商標沒有註冊,我們對違法者無能為力。We can do nothing about the offender if your trade-mark is not registered.
- 資訊時代為腦力勞動違法者(註:指依靠智力和知識進行犯罪活動的人)打開了大門。The information age has opened the door to white-collar crime.
- 違法者要受到法律制裁。Those who break the law are subjected to justice.