拼音:wéi fǎ de英文解釋:
illegal; lawless【醫】 criminal; illegitimate
【經】 legally wrong
1.wrongous 2.under-the-counter 3.illicit 4.nefarious 5.criminal 6.unlawful 7.delinquent相關對話:
- 如果你再繼續違法的話,你會坐牢的。If you persist in breaking the law you will go to prison.
- 非法性,不法性違法的性質或狀態The quality or condition of being illegitimate.
- 夜晚行車不開亮頭燈是違法的。Driving without headlights at night is illegal.
- 我與違法的事沾不上邊兒。I wouldn't touch anything illegal.
- 政府宣布他們所做的生意是違法的,他們的計畫就些告吹。The Government declared their business to be illegal, so cutting the ground from under their feet.