拼音:tū rán英文解釋:
abruptness; abrupt; all at once; all of a sudden; bolt; bounce; sudden【醫】 per saltum
表示發生得很急促;忽然;猝然突然停止 >>查看“突然”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.beforeyoucansayknife 2.outofaclearsky 3.suddenness 4.beforeyoucansayJackRobinson 5.inaclap 6.suddenly 7.spang 8.abruptness 9.allofasudden 10.allatonce 11.amain 12.witharun 13.onasudden 14.byaflash 15.withasnap 16.unawares中英例句:
- 風向的突然轉變預示著暴風雨即將來臨。A sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm.
- 這一情況出現得很突然,把我們的計畫全都打亂了。This sudden development turned all our plans topsy-turvy.
- 小溪突然轉向東流。The stream takes a sudden bend to the east.
- 轟炸機對這港口進行了一次突然襲擊。The bombers made a sudden strike on the harbor.
- 突然窗簾拉了開來,一道強光照了進來。The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in.
- 我突然意識到可能再也見不著她了。I was struck by the sudden realization that I would probably never see her again.
- 他的突然去世使大家深感悲傷。His sudden death upset everybody.
- 他們的突然到來打亂了我們的計畫。Their unexpected arrival threw our plan into confusion.