拼音:tú liào英文解釋:
coating; painting【化】 coating
塗在物體表面,使其美觀或防蝕的物質。如:油漆、煤焦油等 >>查看“塗料”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.coating 2.foundryblacking 3.restrictivecoating 4.painting 5.daubing 6.coatingmixture 7.mouldfacing 8.pigmentdyes 9.coatingflux 10.coveringmaterial 11.coat 12.coatings 13.coatingmaterial 14.beadedpaint 15.foundryfacing 16.refractorycoating漢語造句:
- 含鉛汽油;含鉛塗料Leaded gasoline; leaded paint.
- 你的大衣別蹭著牆--塗料還沒乾呢。Don't let your coat touch the wall the paint's still wet.
- 這是一種有金屬光澤的塗料。This is a kind of metallic paint.
- 白塗料A white pigment
- 消失模鑄造塗料強度的研究Study on Strength for EPC Coating
- TL93-1水性多彩塗料TL 93-1 Water-Based Multi-Colour Coating
- 新家具和塗料使房間煥然一新New furniture and paint perked up the room.
- 新型核-殼結構丙烯酸酯乳膠塗料A Novel Acrylate Emulsion Coating with Core/Shell Structure