音標['kəutiŋ] 讀音漢語翻譯
n. 塗層, 上衣衣料
【計】 塗復, 塗層, 鍍層, 敷層
【化】 塗料(油漆等); 塗層; 蒙皮; (焊條)藥皮; (藥物)糖衣
【醫】 包被, 包衣, 外衣
名詞 coating:
- a thin layer covering something同義詞:coat
- a decorative texture or appearance of a surface (or the substance that gives it that appearance)同義詞:finish, finishing
- a heavy fabric suitable for coats
- the work of applying something;同義詞:application, covering
動詞 coat:
- put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface同義詞:coat, surface
- cover or provide with a coat同義詞:coat
- form a coat over同義詞:coat, cake
- He finished it up by coating the surface with paint.他在其表面塗上一層漆,作品即告完成。
- The surface texture produced by such a treatment or coating.塗飾後的表面通過最後這道工序製造的表面紋理
- The chocolate coating has all been licked off the cream buns.奶油小麵包外面的一層朱古力都被舔光了。
- There was a coating of slime on the unwashed sink.未刷洗的水槽上有一層污垢。
n.(名詞)A layer of a substance spread over a surface for protection or decoration; a covering layer.塗層:鋪在表面上用於保護或裝飾的一層物質;覆蓋層Cloth for making coats.上衣布料:製造上衣的布
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