拼音:tǔ dì英文解釋:
ground; land; soil; territory【醫】 earth; terra; terrae
【經】 land; native goods
(1) ∶田地;土壤土地平曠。——晉· 陶... >>查看“土地”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.glebe 2.locator(-ter) 3.terra 4.mold 5.soil 6.premise 7.tract 8.predial 9.ground(ing) 10.earth 11.holding 12.acre相關對話:
- 他的新房子侵占了我的土地。His new house encroached on my land.
- 展現在我們面前的是一片廣闊的土地。A wide stretch of land spread in front of us.
- 讓我看看買賣這塊土地的所有官方檔案。Let me see all the official documents concerning the sale of this land.
- 他不得不將土地抵押來申請貸款。He will have to mortgage his land for a loan.
- 那場運動後,自耕農再也不能擁有並在他們自己的土地上耕耘了。The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement.
- 這兄弟倆對土地的所有權有爭議。The two brothers have dispute over the ownership of the land.
- 對他來說,非洲是一片神秘的土地。Africa is a mysterious land to him.