拼音:tōu tōu dì 英文解釋:
by stealth; on the sly; on the sneak; secretly; slinkingly; under the table例句:
- 瞥很快地或偷偷地看
A quick or furtive look or glance.
- 他偷偷地溜出房間。
He stole out of the room.
- 這個孩子經常偷偷地喝酒。
The child often had a drink on the quite.
- 偷偷地或小心翼翼地走
To move stealthily or cautiously.
- 儘管如此,一條致命的毒蛇被偷偷地帶進了皇宮裡。
Despite this, a deadly snake is smuggled in
- 調情調情,尤指偷偷地
To flirt with, especially in secret.
- 一天晚上,特納先生看到一個賊偷偷地進了一家商店。
One night, Mr Turner saw a thief steal into a shop
- 約翰在和薩拉交往,但是同時也在偷偷地和瑟曼莎交往。
John was dating Sarah, but also seeing Samantha on the side.