拼音:tōu liè英文解釋:
poach; poach for【法】 poach; poaching
非法捕獵(禽獸或魚類)偷獵野雞 >>查看“偷獵”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 對一種鸚鵡的偷獵比例高達70%有餘。The highest rate of poaching for a single species was more than 70 percent
- 凡在大象屍體附近也拍到了一些偷獵嫌疑人的照片。Fay also spotted camps of presumed poachers near elephant massacre sites.
- 據說一個吊死的偷獵者的鬼魂常在這個莊園裡出沒。The ghost of a hanged poacher is said to haunt the manor house
- 偷獵者;偷捕者在他人的地產上非法打獵或捕魚的人One who hunts or fishes illegally on the property of another.