拼音:tí yì英文解釋:
suggest; motion; offer; overture; proffer; proposal; propound【法】 approach; motion; overture; propose; suggest
(1) ∶提出供考慮;提出供討論、決定我提議休會(2) ∶提出的意見我同意這個提... >>查看“提議”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.motion 2.makeamotion 3.propound 4.offer 5.offered 6.interpose 7.propose 8.introduce 9.suggest 10.tender 11.proposition 12.maketheoffer 13.overture 14.proffer 15.proposed 16.introduction相關對話:
- 經過慎重的考慮,我們決定接受他們的提議。After careful consideration, we've decided to accept their offer.
- 他對該提議輕率的拒絕激怒了我。His rash dismissal of the offer annoyed me.
- 簡而言之,我認為我們應該接受他的提議。Briefly, I think we should accept his offer.
- 這項提議已提交大會了。The motion was put to the assemblage.
- 投票反對該提議的人占少數。A small minority voted against the motion.
- 會議結束前對該項提議進行了表決。At the end of the meeting, a vote was taken on the motion.
- 他的提議遭到了拒絕。His motion was rejected.
- 你認為這項提議怎樣?What's your opinion of the motion?